Rent a vehicle with real photos without overpayments
Book and receive transport at the same price as directly from the owner
Popular offers
About company
The main idea and goal of our aggregator is for the landlord and the client to easily find each other and enjoy the service provided by our team.
You will not see many formal texts, strict conditions and strict contracts here.
Our company was created for people who value their work and the work of the same people who choose the main principle of a person: trust and the desire to do better. But, alas, this requires funds, and for this reason alone we think that you will appreciate our gesture of not taking money for bookings, but only receiving compensation for providing our fair platform, we hope all parties will be happy.
How do we ensure security?
We meet with the renter and photograph his car before posting it on the website.
We check the client before sending him to the landlord. These are real people who are looking for transport for their trip.
Why Bitcar?
Large selection of cars on one site
you do not need to contact different rental companies or individual car owners to find out the conditions and compare.
No overpayments
You will receive the car under the same conditions as if you had applied for the chosen car directly.
Lots of filters and tips
To help you choose the perfect rental option.
You see real photos of cars
We provide fair conditions and safety.
We do not take prepayment
You pay for the rental only during the meeting with the owner of the vehicle
All payment methods, including cryptocurrency
More options in choosing a payment method
Questions about rental conditions
- international passport
- international driving license
- russian passport
- russian driver's license
For foreign citizens:
For russian citizens:
delivery of the vehicle is carried out to the specified place or by agreement with the owner of the vehicle
The deposit amount is individual for each vehicle
Service hours are from 8:00 to 20:00
minimum rental period from 1 day
- transfer to card
- cash
- cryptocurrency for some vehicles
the insurance amount is included in the rental price
no, traveling outside the country is prohibited
About the creators
The idea of creating an aggregator service came to us at the time of our own need to rent a vehicle in Hua Hin. We were faced with the fact that there are only scattered rental offers, without real photos and a convenient platform where we could choose the right option based on criteria that are important to us.
Another important point: if you want to rent a car from local residents, which is often
more profitable, you face a language and mental barrier.
Our life credo is freedom of choice and ease, so our service reflects these fundamentals.
The main idea and goal of BitCar is for the renter and the client to easily find each other and
enjoy the service provided by our team.
You just need to go to our website, make just a couple of clicks and get a car,
paying for rent in any way, including cryptocurrency.
We hope you feel our concern for you from the first contact, and your feedback
will help us make BitCar even better.
We will answer all questions and help you make a choice!
Leave a request and we will contact you shortly